I notice the blueish-aqua-turquoise wall color—my
favorite. Spot on. The color I love but that I can never exactly describe. Across
from me, Sierra and David review Philippians for today’s Bible study.
Other books clutter the table in the corner, and, upon closer look, I notice Not For Sale in the stack… David
Badstone’s book- here! In Germany!
How incredible. I take a sip of mocha and smile. Mocha, comforting color, Bible
reading, a reminder of home… I’ve found my place. What’s more, Trevor Hall’s
sweet music rings behind the chatter! Yeahhh!!! Trevor Hall is known at the
castle! Another coffee shop has become a sacred space. My new Java Beach
of sorts.
I think back to the peace of Java Beach.. A sacred place back home where I encounter G-d- in conversations over coffee, time spent journaling and in prayer... Learning to listen and discern. It's a place where I can rest in G-d and know peace. But India made me question… Who is G-d? Who is Jesus? What does a relationship with G-d mean?
I think back to the peace of Java Beach.. A sacred place back home where I encounter G-d- in conversations over coffee, time spent journaling and in prayer... Learning to listen and discern. It's a place where I can rest in G-d and know peace. But India made me question… Who is G-d? Who is Jesus? What does a relationship with G-d mean?
Pete’s lectures last week reminded me that I can question and be at peace. But the peace comes
from a relationship with G-d. I can talk about faith, read scripture, sing
songs about G-d… but the only real way to get to know G-d is through relationship.
So again, I find the challenge this week is to make
everything I do a prayer- to know G-d’s presence in everything I do.
"The bad news is you’re falling through the air, nothing to hang on to, no parachute. The good news is, there’s no ground" (Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche).
And yet…
"The name of infinite and inexhaustible depth and ground of our being is God" (Paul Tillich).
Awesome!~ Love the honesty, keep asking questions! Also, love the quote from Chogyam Rinpoche!