Tuesday, January 31, 2012

...And in the noise.


After spending an hour in silent prayer this morning, the group reflected on the prayer time... Pete, this week's speaker, said, "Learning to find G-d in the silence is easy for me. It's finding G-d in the noise that's difficult... If I can find G-d in the silence, I need to learn to find G-d in the noise also. Sometimes you can't escape the earthquake or the fire." (Referring to Kings when the earthquake and fire come before Elijah hears G-d speak in the silence)

I love this because, like Pete, silence is not what I find most challenging; rather, it's finding G-d in the noise of day to day life. I've learned to love sitting in silence, and though this is an important way in which I experience G-d, G-d is not limited to this quiet time. Because even if I spend thirty minutes or even an hour or more sitting in silent prayer every day, I'm eventually going to have to leave the quiet space and face a noisy world. So the challenge continues, to make the entire day a prayer- to listen to G-d in any circumstance.

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