Saturday, March 3, 2012


7 hours until the journey to Ukraine beings!! Hoorah! After a busy week with photos, leading worship, and powerful lectures, today was a sweet day of rest before the start of the 20-ish hour drive to Ukraine. The sun was shining for the first time in a while and the river’s been running, too- spring is approaching! Hallway music, outdoor (yeah!) soccer, and salsa dancing in the dining room filled the afternoon and evening.

An exciting tidbit from this week is that we found out our location for the longer outreach that starts in April… We’re going to Ethiopia!!! We don’t know too many details yet, but it’s three months and it’s possible that we’ll be make it to a couple other countries as well. Yeahh!! More details to come.

On a different note, Rogario, this week’s speaker, challenged us to ask how we define ourselves. If we want to “act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God,” we must first know our identity in Christ (Micah 6:8). What are the implications of being a child of G-d? What does that really mean? Here’s what’s been on my mind: It means that G-d will take care of me. Not because I’ve earned G-d’s love or care, but simply because I am a child of G-d. Made and known by G-d. But if I can’t earn G-d’s love, then why do I pray? I challenged my motives this week.. So often, it seems I go to G-d hoping for something in return or even just to fill “daily prayer time.” But the real reason that I am called to go to G-d is because I am made to be in relationship with Him. Made to know G-d. Rogario said, “G-d wants to make a home, not an office within us.” G-d doesn’t expect something from us, but simply desires relationship with us. I can do nothing, and G-d’s love and care will remain. I’m reminded of these lyrics:

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary
Pure and holy, tried and true
And with thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary for you

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